

Mapping Learning is still in an early stage of development . Will you dare installing an alpha version of a software? Mapping Learning is worth it…


If you do not understand the below lines, check 2. Before installing.

Anaconda (easiest)

Just want to enjoy Mapping Learning? Type:

conda install -c sympythy maplearn


You can also use PIP, but you may have to deal with some tricky dependancies (ie GDAL):

pip install maplearn

From source code (for developpers/curious)

Want to contribute to the source code of Mapping Learning ? Or just curious ? You can also install maplearn from source code:

git clone
cd maplearn
pip install .

Then, you will be able to get last changes (in maplearn folder):

# get source code updates
git pull
# upgrade maplearn
pip install .

2. Before installing

Mapping Learning is based on Python and you need a way to install properly its dependancies (either Anaconda or PIP).

Using conda (Windows, Mac or Linux)


First, install an Anaconda distribution:

Nb: if you wonder which one you should use, have a look on

Then, start “Anaconda prompt” and type:

conda install -c sympythy maplearn

Using system packages and PIP (Linux, Debian-based distributions)

First, install pip and some dependancies (Blas, Lapack..):

apt-get install python3-pip
apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran

Then, you can also install some Python librairies:

apt-get install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pandas python3-gdal
apt-get install python3-sklearn python3-seaborn python3-markdown

NB: you can install Python librairies thanks to system packages (apt) or Pip. Using System packages should be easier and faster. PIP will bring libraries in latest version.

Finally, you can install maplearn:

pip install maplearn